Friday, December 24, 2010

playing catch up- meeting NIE

when nie nie announced that she would be at the sweeth tooth fairy in draper, ut,
i mapquested the cupcake shop in relation to david's aunts house, where we were staying.
10 minutes away.
no way!
what a coincidence that she was signing calendars, 10 minutes away from me.
so of course, paisley and i went to eat some cupcakes and meet our favorite blogger.

 paisley dug in while we waited.

and miss nie nie was just as beautiful and sweet as i imagined, not to mention her mr. nielson who gave me a hug as well. what a treat to meet this sweet couple!


Mme. Kara said...

This is just about the coolest of things. I'm thrilled you met Nie!

Lei said...

LUCKY! You turned me onto her blog, you know.

Tara H. said...

oh my luckyness! I saw she was there, and I wished I was in Utah to see her, but now I wish even more, because if I was there, I would have seen YOU!!!

How is your father in law? What happened? Email me, I am super interested to know how he is doing?
tenalyn at mac dot com.
