Wednesday, November 10, 2010

brushing off the cobwebs

i went to an aerobics class yesterday.
ya know, just to make sure my body still works after having another baby.

i'm proud to report that it does.

i only had a few drop of pee in my undies after...


Unknown said...

I can SO relate haha

Tara H. said...

Shay, I love your cute family!! I haven't checked on you for a while and I love Carter!! She is adorable. Three is fun and busy, I am sort of getting the hang of it and it's been 4 years :)

Good luck getting ready to move to Georgia. Crazy. I guess that's military life. By best friend just moved to Germany for the 3rd time and it's just a way of life.

Regarding this post, congrats on just a few drops of pee. Not to bad.


Molly Bea said...

Love your honesty:)

Hey when do you guys leave CA?
You wouldn't be up for visitors would you? Are you already packed?
Give me the low-down...